We were recently working with a group of boys living in a residential treatment center.
It was one of the boys first day at TR 4 Heart & Soul. We began by introducing Natural Horsemanship techniques that reallly focus on pressure, release, and boundaries.
He transitioned well into the riding portion of the session. As we began to untack, groom, and put the horses in their turnout pens I said "Good job cowboy!" This boy in his early teens looked back and said "I'm not a cowboy." My response was, what is your definition of a cowboy.... he had a 5-10 second pause and said.... well, cowboys are courageous, strong, and will ALWAYS protect their families.
I said, I think that's a really good definition of a cowboy, and I'm glad you are working towards those goals.
We continued our walk to the tack room, and about 5 minutes went by and he stopped and looked at me with tears in the bottom of his eyes and said "And cowboys, NEVER abuse their kids."
My eyes welled up instantly- and I said "I'm sorry - that happened to you - you are right, cowboys don't abuse their kids."
🤍The world needs more cowboys 🤍
